

Super Mini-Node Interface Card (SMINI) - Part 1

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작성자 Misty Groff 댓글 0건 조회 116회 작성일 24-05-20 18:27


Circuit designers will be quick to observe that RN12 is not really required because the high output of the latch would turn on Q1 independent of having RN12. The receiver input circuit includes electro-static discharge (ESD) protection, a resistor-divider network, and biasing current, influencing the magnitude and common-mode voltage reaching the differential comparator. Likewise, when U1 needs to read from I/O Card 2 Port C, it first sets Port RD to be input then it pulls line RE0, Pin 8, low to activate, or enable U5 and then it reads the input data that U5 places on the Port RD lines. When it was able to receive more data, the receiver would use the handshaking lines to signal the transmitter that it was OK to send more data. Imagine sending a command USD$2SEND out of the transmitter. 3. Programming RS485 is more difficult, since you are sending and receiving on the same two wires, you need to enable and disable the transmitter at the correct time so that you may perform proper communications. If you've been paying attention, you may notice that the last two points are contradictory. The lines are driven to opposing polarities; if A is positive, B is negative.


Slaves Receive: All devices on the network, including the slave devices, constantly monitor the voltage difference between lines A and B. When they detect a change, they interpret this as a bit of data.Slave Responds: If the master device sends a command that requires a response from a slave device, that slave device will wait until the master has finished transmitting, then change the voltage difference between lines A and B to send its response.Master Receives: The master device, like the slaves, is constantly monitoring the voltage difference between lines A and B, so it will receive the response from the slave. The interface consists of two lines with signals A and B. When the bus is idle, both lines float. Another approach to managing idle bus conditions involves using two external resistors: one connected from the A terminal to VCC and the other from the B terminal to the ground. With RS485, you can have multiple PC's and multiple controllers on one bus, so that one PC can send a command to change a setpoint,and another PC can send a command to send back data, etc. Remember that all devices on the bus must have a unique unit address, so that only the addressed unit will respond.

The PC can instruct any of the controllers to change setpoint, or to send a temperature reading, but none of the controllers can command any of the other controllers. RS485 uses a balanced and differential signal, RS485 standard which means that it can be transmitted over twisted pair cables without the need for a separate ground line. 3. Noise Resistant - Since it uses a separate FLOATING transmit and receive pair (four wires), it offers better noise immunity than RS232. Additionally, with separate send and receive wire pairs, it is easy to incorporate sending and receiving data LEDs as implemented on the JLC provided SMINI, SUSIC and RS485 cards. If you are unsure of the level of noise filtering you need, or for that matter if you need it at all, then a good approach is to assemble the SMINI cards without installing R6-R29 and C24-C47. Its long-distance communication capabilities, high noise immunity, multi-drop network support, and high data rates make it ideal for various applications in industrial automation, building management systems, data acquisition, what is rs485, rs485 wiring, rs485 protocol and many more.

Data transmission is carried out using differential signals, which in turn provides high resistance to common mode noise. The high trigger voltage of the secondary protection maintains the full ±25V common mode voltage range of the receivers. First of all, RS485 is generally a 2-wire system, although some manufacturers may specify 4-wire RS485, which is far less common and very similar to RS422 protocol. The 4-wire design, as implemented by the C/MRI, takes advantage of both worlds, RS422 and RS485, by dedicating one set of the more advanced RS485 transceivers to sending data from the PC and a second set for handling data being received by the PC. RS485 is very similar to RS422. RS422 can have only one Commander and multiple Listeners. 1. RS485 can have multiple Commanding Devices and multiple Listening Devices. Any PC that is purchased will have one (and sometimes more) RS232 port. This means that if you have 3 meters to connect to a PC, you will need 3 ports, or at least, an RS232 multiplexor.


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